Friday, August 19, 2011


Getting engaged last summer was one awesome/crazy experience.  You're suddenly the center of attention. Everyone wants to know how it happened. Your family congratulates you effusively. Lots of hugs and kisses and "aww" moments come your way, every day.  One of the biggest things that comes to mind is......the honeymoon.  The big trip.  An exotic getaway with your new spouse.  After months of discussing, we came to a decision. Cancun, Mexico would be our destination for a week.  We were elated and couldn't wait for next summer.  After a year of school and wedding shoots, our time had finally come.  On May 23rd we embarked on our trip to paradise.  Now this week is supposed to be absolutely perfect right? Well it didn't start out that way.  On our flight to Dallas, we encountered a storm.  Not a metaphor. An actual storm with lightning and strong winds and unforgiving hail.  We reached the tarmac at the airport and we suddenly found ourselves in the back of a long line of planes.  There were at least a dozen of them ahead of us. One of those "oh crap" moments you see in movies. The planes were being inspected because of the storm. So we waited on the plane for over an hour. The thought of missing our next flight became reality very quickly. After a long grueling wait at the airport, getting new tickets, and locating our luggage, we headed to a hotel.  My mom saved the day. We were able to find a nice hotel near the airport.  My mom's friend works in the hotel business and got us a room. Well not just a room. A suite.  So the day ended well. We got chicken and hamburgers.  And to top it Mavs won in overtime. : ) The next day we arrived! We were finally there.  The ride to our resort was quite entertaining.  Resorts consumed the streets.  The size of them was just unbelievable.  You couldn't help but just stare in awe. Our resort was at the very end of the peninsula.  Before we knew it we were in our room. We had a sweet balcony that overlooked the beach. You just stare out the window and all you see is the ocean and hundreds of resorts along the sand. Every morning I would sit at our table on the balcony and just look at the ocean.  There's nothing like it. Our week consisted of swimming with dolphins, ordering room service (averaged four calls a day), tanning, and hanging out on the beach.  The weather was perfect.  It never exceeded 85 degrees. Swimming with dolphins was awesome. Seeing Caitlin just light up when she played with them was pretty cool to watch. The dolphins were so smart and obeyed every command the trainer gave them.  They danced for us and made hilarious noises in response to our splashing. Having them push you with their noses was the coolest thing ever.  You feel like you're flying for a good 8 seconds. By far the best week I've ever had.  Experiencing that place just makes me want to work hard and make money so I can go back and do it all over again.  It's the perfect getaway.  If you ever get the chance someday, I highly recommend going there.  Great location with incredible service and enough activities to keep you busy all week.

- Boz 

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