Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A great trip

This past week my wife, Caitlin, and our families traveled to Colorado for fall break.  For as long as we've been together, Caitlin has raved about Colorado.  She would tell me stories about her trips to Colorado when she was younger.  The place she mentioned the most was the Garden of the Gods.  When I first heard that name my mind went crazy. I was suddenly trying to imagine this place in my head.  I just couldn't wait to see pictures of it.  Once I saw them I wanted to visit asap.  Well a few years later I got the chance to.  On Thursday we embarked, along with our families. Once we passed the incredibly dull state of Kansas, I could see the outline of a mountain in the distance.  The excitement was building up.  Then before I knew it, we were in Colorado Springs.

Mountains were everywhere. The air was cool.  Caitlin and I were grinning like crazy. The next day we met up with our families at the Garden of the Gods.  I was brimming with anticipation.  We got into our cars and made our way into the mountains.  The view was spectacular.  Beautiful colors, combined with enormous rocks and cliffs, surrounded us.  Climbing the rocks was just awesome.  I can't describe it any other way.  The excitement of climbing higher and higher is just an amazing feeling.  Every few minutes I would stop and just stare at what I had just climbed. After hours of climbing and hiking, the kids went to the zoo.  My wife and I love going to the zoo. It's one of our favorite dates.  The zoo had this balcony that overlooked a dozen or so giraffes.  The giraffes would come up and get fed by people with crackers.    After the zoo, we all packed up and drove another five hours to our last destination, Ouray.  Ouray is a small town that sits inside the most beautiful mountains you'll ever see.

The guys, led by my father-in-law, drove up the mountain.  This was my favorite part of the trip.  We got up to about 12,000 feet high.  The view was breathtaking, once again.  We'd stop every few minutes and just gaze at the mountains. God is such an incredible designer.  I was taking pictures left and right of the yellow trees and the tranquil streams than ran along the mountains.  We even got high enough to see some snow.  Words like "sick", "wow", and "ridiculous" were echoed throughout the mountains.

Thinking about it is making me want to go back asap.  Colorado is such an incredible place.  The weather was perfect. The people were friendly. There were deer instead of squirrels roaming the streets. The pictures and videos I took just don't do it justice. You really have to experience it for yourself.  I hope to live there someday with my wife and our family.  It's one of our goals and dreams.

Thanks for reading! Hope you guys have a great week!

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